Miguel García-Ortegón

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I am a PhD student at the University of Cambridge, supervised by Sergio Bacallado (main), Andreas Bender and Carl Rasmussen. My research focuses on machine learning (ML) and drug discovery (DD). On the ML side, I am interested in variational inference, Bayesian optimization, transfer learning and neural processes. On the DD side, I am interested in virtual screening, fragments, novel antibiotics and therapeutic peptides. My PhD studies are funded by a Wellcome Trust PhD studentship.

Since Dec 2023, I am also a ML scientist at Novo Nordisk Machine Intelligence, working on pharmacokinetics and representations of therapeutic peptides.

During May-July 2022, I was a research intern at Microsoft Research Cambridge, working on generative modelling of T-cell receptor repertoires as part of the Antigen Map Project.

You can contact me at .

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